Who: 3rd, 4th & 5th graders (completed spring)
When: June 24-27, 2025 (counselor training on the 23rd)
Where: Tabor College, Hillsboro, KS
Theme: Anchored
Speaker: TBD
Band: The Kids Camp Band
Cost: $195.00, Early-Bird Price, but check with your church regarding any adjustments to cost.
Early-Bird Price Deadline is midnight on Sunday, May 4, 2024.
> Registration will close on Sunday at midnight on Sunday, May 25, 2024.
> After the Early-Bird Deadline, cost goes up and cancellations will result in a $25 cancellation fee.
> Cancellations within 14 days of camp will only be eligible for a refund of half the registration.
> Cancellations within 2 days of camp will not be eligible for a refund.
Counselors applying for KIDS CAMP

You will also need a pastoral reference.
You can send this link to your pastor or youth pastor to complete.
Camp Counselor: Pastoral Recommendation.
CAMPER CHECK-IN is on Tuesday starting at 2:00 p.m.
CAMPER PICK-UP will be on Friday at 11:45 a.m.
- Bible and a pen/pencil for chapel and devotions
- Sleeping gear: sleeping bag, blankets, sheets, pillow, etc.
- Each room has 2 twin beds and there will be up to 4 campers per room. Extra mattresses will be brought in and placed on the floor for those rooms that have more than 2 campers. Everyone will have a mattress so you do not need to bring an air mattress or camping pad.
- Swimsuit, towel (or two) and sunscreen, even if you don’t plan to do the swimming activity. Everyone participates in a water event one day. Plus, you’ll want a dry towel for your daily shower!!
- Personal items: shampoo, soap, toothpaste, washcloth, etc.
- Water Bottle marked with your name. It’ll be handy when you’re out in the sun!
- Offering Project: More details coming soon.
- Spending Money: Your counselors will collect your personal money when you arrive, place in an envelope with your name on it, and deposit it into our Camp Bank. Withdrawals can be made each afternoon to purchase things from the snack bar (try to limit to $4 per day) or Tabor’s bookstore (no limit). You can also make withdrawals to donate to the offering project.
- Parents/Guardians – To help the bank withdrawal process go quickly, please send small bills – preferably as $1, $5 or $10 bills. Please note: any money left in the Camp Bank following check-out will be added to the offering.
- Personal junk food stash: This includes all candy, pop & energy drinks. Pop will be available during lunch and at the afternoon snack bar along with Gatorade, candy, chips, cookies, etc. Anything not purchased at the snack bar may be confiscated by the counselors and will not be returned. Parents/Guardians, please help us by not sending food or drink with your camper.
- Electronics (cell phones, music systems, electronic games, etc.) are NOT permitted at camp. Parents may call or text the director in case of emergencies. When texting, please identify yourself so we can quickly respond to your concern.
- Valuables: Please leave any valuable jewelry or other expensive personal items at home, as we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Kid’s Camp is a high energy, high impact week of summer camp for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. The energy, the fun, and the Biblical, Jesus centered teachings are at the heart of what makes Kid’s Camp great! Check out the video below for just a glimpse at what Kid’s Camp is! As campers arrive at camp, they get to move into their college dorm room where they will be welcomed by their counselors and meet the other campers in their mod (that’s what we call their housing group within the dorm). Let the fun begin!
Campers are able to choose 3 of their favorite activities from a variety of options to participate in at camp. See below for these options. In addition, every evening, the entire camp gathers for All Camp Activities. These can be exciting challenges that incorporate social, physical and mental games that everyone can enjoy and participate in together.
Mod unity is another way campers will experience the fun, encouragement and belonging of community. One day, a mod may all wear their hair the same or wear the same color of shirt. Another day they might all be wearing cardboard mustaches or walk backwards every time they enter a room. Campers don’t need to worry about bringing anything or preparing for mod unity–counselors will provide what they need or come up with ideas that they can all participate in.
Each morning and evening, everyone will gather in the Tabor Chapel for the camp Chapel sessions. Worship through music will be led by the Kid’s Camp Worship Band. The camp speaker will lead the students to engage with God through the study of the Bible.
Campers will choose 3 activities when filling out the on-line registration. These will be the activities they participate in each of the full days of camp. Example options are listed below. Campers choose one activity per session time and should not choose the same activity more than once. (For example, they should not choose swimming for both activity 2 & 3.) Activity sign up and availability is on a first come, first serve basis by fully submitted registrations. Activities are subject to change. If there is an activity listed here that does not show up when you are registering, that means it may have filled up or activities have changed, and you need to choose something else. If you do not fully complete and submit the registration, the spots will not be saved for you. Be sure to “submit” the registration and not simply “save” it.
Please note: The following Activities are 2022 examples and subject to change.
Kids Activity 1 Options (Activity Session One – 9:00 a.m.)
s1: Basketball
s1: Book Club (bring your own books to read)
s1: Cooking
s1: Crafts
s1: Dodge Ball
s1: Flag Football
s1: Frisbee Golf
s1: Miniature Golf
s1: Photography
s1: Science
s1: Soccer
s1: Spa Day (girls only)
s1: Table Games
s1: Tennis
Kids Activity 2 Options (Activity Session Two – 1:15 p.m.)
s2: Bowling
s2: Cooking
s2: Crafts
s2: Dodgeball
s2: Flag Football
s2: Miniature Golf
s2: Movies
s2: Science
s2: Soccer
s2: Spa Day (girls only)
s2: Swimming
s2: Table Games
s2: Tennis
Kids Activity 3 Options (Activity Session Three – 3:50 p.m.)
s3: Basketball
s3: Book Club
s3: Bowling
s3: Cooking
s3: Crafts
s3: Dodgeball
s3: Drawing
s3: Flag Football
s3: Frisbee Golf
s3: Miniature Golf
s3: Movies
s3: Science
s3: Swimming
s3: Table Games
s3: Volleyball
KIDS CAMP! Check out the recap video here: